




Academic Teaching and Executive Seminars


International Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances (IMAA)

This course:

  • Covers the development of a strategy for international business expansion;

  • Evaluates the differences between start-up, merger, acquisition, alliances, and contractual operations;

  • Helps to understand organizational and national factors affecting an IMAA’s success or failure;

  • Discusses life cycle, trends, and waves of MAAs; measurement of success and performance; compatibility criteria and the level of trust required for the MAA; organizing to buy-and-sell and strategic and psychological preparation;

  • Covers managing sustainability: communicating and obtaining buy-in into the new vision; future preferences; organizational structure; strategic objectives;

  • Discusses developing the implementation and integration plan and managing the process integration; evaluating intangible assets; managing simultaneously the relationship and the business; managing stress, uncertainty, anxiety, and integration; dealing with culture clash and planning the post-integration period, including re-acculturation;

  • Reviews different approaches to the understanding of culture in IMAAs; cultural awareness; double layers of national and corporate acculturation; synergy realization; the importance of leadership; psychological communication interventions; and developing a framework for cultural due diligence to bridge the cultural divide and define the appropriate degree of integration and cultural autonomy.

For syllabus and schedule go to the teaching website by following the instructions in the links section.


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Teaching / Executive Seminars
International Business Strategy
Global Business
International Mergers & Acquisitions
Global Cross-cultural Management
Global Sustainable Business
Teaching Format
Students / Seminar Participants